Call for WideAIED Papers
We are delighted that this year’s conference includes again the WideAIED paper track, where we intend to discuss the important opportunities and challenges of AI in education with a global perspective. The contributions to the WideAIED track are expected to address the issues of areas of the world that are currently under-represented in AIED, regardless of where the authors are or where they are from. The contributions to the WideAIED track are also expected to be crucial for understanding challenges such as balancing surveillance and care, addressing technology accessibility, and reevaluating pedagogical approaches by considering disparities in AI progress across regions. Join us in exploring solutions that foster inclusivity and advocate for the development of AI models designed to adapt their behavior to diverse social and/or technological environments.
Important Dates
Phase | Deadline |
Abstracts due | March 3, 2025 |
Papers due | March 10, 2025 |
Notification of acceptance to authors | April 24, 2025 |
Camera-ready paper due | May 2, 2025 |
Conference | July 22 – 26, 2025 |
Note: the submission deadlines are at 11:59 pm AoE (Anywhere on Earth) time. Presentations of accepted work are expected to be face-to-face.
Submission Instructions
System. Please note that the submissions must be written in English. Papers should be submitted electronically, as a PDF file, through the AIED 2025 EasyChair conference system (, selecting the “WideAIED Papers” track.
Types. We encourage two types of submissions (reviewers will comment on whether the size is appropriate for each contribution):
- Full papers (12 pages excluding references; for a long oral presentation).
- Short papers (6 pages excluding references; for a short oral presentation).
Format. Submissions must be in Springer format. Papers that do not use the required format may be rejected without review. Authors should consult Springer’s authors’ guidelines and use their proceedings templates, either for LaTeX or for Word, for the preparation of their papers. Springer encourages authors to include their ORCIDs in their papers. Submissions must follow Springer policies on publication (including policies on using AI during authoring).
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
The AIED Society values diversity, equity, and inclusion (and related principles under this broad umbrella) as essential and fundamental values for the AIED community to uphold. Thus, in AIED 2025, we encourage authors to:
- Write with care toward inclusive language (e.g., understanding identify-first vs. person-first language, gender neutral language, appropriate demographic categories and terminology, and avoiding the conflation of distinct dimensions such as race and ethnicity, or sex and gender).
- Report methodology including descriptions of sample characteristics (e.g., demographic data), any procedures for inclusive and representative sampling, any barriers to inclusive and representative sampling, and the ethical issues addressed both in the research methodology and the AIED approaches or tools being researched. For example, it is important to report the strategies used to control or reduce bias against populations of any kind (e.g. benefit or bring prejudice to a particular gender, race, or people with different economic status) when collecting, using, or aggregating data both for the research and for the AIED approach or tool being researched.
- Consider how their theoretical frameworks and findings are related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. For example, authors may discuss how these issues influence key assumptions, hypotheses, and methods.
- Address implications or appropriate interpretations of their findings with respect to diversity, inclusion and equity.
Review Process
Process. All submissions will be reviewed by three members of the program committee, followed by a metareview conducted by a senior member of the program committee.
Anonymity. The review process will be double-masked, meaning that both the authors and reviewers will remain anonymous. To this end, authors should:
- Eliminate all information that could lead to their identification (names, contact information, affiliations, patents, names of approaches, frameworks, projects and/or systems)
- Cite own prior work (if needed) in the third person
- Eliminate acknowledgments and references to funding sources
Data collection, reporting, and analysis.
Authors should be clear and specific about the composition of human-sourced data. Who were the participants? What was the distribution of gender, race, ethnicity, or related variables? If corpus data or training data were sourced from humans, a similar description could be offered.
Skewed or non-representative samples would not necessarily trigger a “reject” decision, but authors should acknowledge the demographic imbalances and discuss the potential impact on data, results, or conclusions. A more compelling paper would describe steps taken to generate an inclusive and representative sample (this is basic science, but often overlooked for convenience).
Authors are encouraged to discuss/justify how demographic variables are included in the analyses. If they are not included or “covaried out” please justify. If they are included, what are the assumptions? Are there “categorical effects”? Are the effects of different demographic variables independent, interdependent, or intersectional? What valid conclusions can be drawn? What erroneous conclusions need to be avoided or tempered?
Ethics. Authors should demonstrate some awareness of how ethical issues (including but not limited to equity, inclusion, accessibility) impact their data, methods, tools, approaches, products, and findings. How are different demographic groups or communities differentially connected to the work? People who are developing educational technologies need to think about access and use, for example. Corpus analyses need to address the impact of skewed/exclusive datasets and potential outcomes (e.g., algorithmic bias).
If you have any further questions, please, contact the WideAIED Chairs:
- Giovanni Fulantelli, National Research Council of Italy (
- Isabel Hilliger, Pontificia Universidad Católica, Chile (
- Ilaria Torre, University of Genoa, Italy (