Doctoral Consortium Papers
The 26th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) will take place between July 22-26, 2025 in Palermo, Italy.
The AIED Doctoral Consortium is an interactive event to support doctoral students working in and across domains relevant to AIED. At the Doctoral Consortium, students share and discuss their research ideas and plans with other doctoral students as well as more experienced colleagues who provide them with constructive feedback and recommendations on various aspects of their work including theoretical framing and methodological approaches. Doctoral Consortium participants also have the opportunity to informally introduce themselves to the larger AIED community.
We invite submissions from doctoral students working on dissertations in the field of AIED or relevant fields. The priority will be given to the candidates who are at a research stage when the feedback from the AIED community will be of most value. This means, successful submissions should have a clear topic relevant to AIED, propose an interesting research approach, and report on some progress, yet they should not have advanced so far along that they can no longer accommodate received feedback. Paper submissions must be primarily authored by the students (advisors and collaborators can be listed as co-authors).
Although the main objective of the Doctoral Consortium is to provide an opportunity for feedback on students’ current research, we also seek to promote interdisciplinary research projects, theoretical frameworks, and methodological approaches, as the intersection of ideas with neighboring fields is critical for AIED scholarship. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that the Doctoral Consortium fosters such multi-disciplinary collaborative interactions among the participants of the conference in order to enhance the experience of all participants and build capacity in the field.
Important Dates
Submission due: March 2nd, 2025 March 7th, 2025
Notification of acceptance to authors: April 2nd, 2025
Camera-ready paper due: May 2nd, 2025
Conference: July 22-26, 2025
Note: the submission deadlines are at 11:59 pm AoE (Anywhere on Earth) time. Please adhere to these deadlines as there will NOT be any extensions to the above dates for DC track submissions.
Format and Content
Accepted candidates will participate in discussions with senior researchers and other students during the conference in which they will present their research and receive feedback.
In addition, prior to the conference, each student with an accepted paper will be assigned a mentor with specialized background relevant to the student’s research topic or methodological approach so that more detailed and specific feedback can be provided to each student. As a part of the application, students will list names of potential mentors in the AIED community they want to meet, and the organisers of the Doctoral Consortium will do their best to connect students with the mentors of their choice.
The DC submission has two equally important parts:
- A 6-page paper to be published in the conference proceedings.
- A presentation letter with additional information about the student and the research carried out to date.
The paper should follow the format template linked below and describe, in a logical and coherent manner, the aims and objectives of the proposed research by clearly illustrating the following:
- The problem(s) addressed, its connection to education, the state of the art in AIED (potentially, including the previous work the student has done).
- The theoretical framing and proposed solution(s), as well as the methodology adopted to achieve it, including the progress already made.
- The expected contribution(s) and impact of the research to the AIED community being mindful of both the Learning Sciences and Computer Science.
If the same research results are simultaneously submitted for consideration as a DC contribution and as a full/short paper at the main conference and the submission is accepted in both tracks, the work will be published as a full/short paper. The student can still present the work at the DC and receive feedback from mentors.
The presentation letter should include the following information:
- Paper Title.
- The name of the student and the name of the supervisor(s).
- Academic title and university affiliation.
- A brief overview of the research area in which the work is conducted. A paragraph emphasizing a student’s contribution to the work.
- The type of feedback expected from the Doctoral Consortium.
- List of other contributions submitted to the AIED 2024 conference, including the lists of authors, and the status of the submission.
- Three names of AIED researchers the student would like to meet as mentors and why.
- Link to the research webpage and/or CV.
Submission Instructions
All submissions must be in Springer format and follow Springer policies on publication (including policies on the use of AI in the authoring process):
Papers that do not use the required format may be rejected without review. Authors should consult Springer’s authors’ guidelines and use their proceedings templates, either for LaTeX or for Word, for the preparation of their papers. Springer encourages authors to include their ORCIDs in their papers.
- The papers can be co-authored by the student and supervisor(s), the student must be the first author.
- Papers should be up to 6 pages long, including references using the format used for the conference, i.e. Springer’s authors’ guidelines should be followed and an appropriate template, either for LaTeX or for Word, should be used for the preparation of the papers.
- The paper and the presentation letter should be bound in a single PDF and uploaded to EasyChair.
Submissions will be handled via EasyChair:
Registration and Participation
Each accepted paper within the Doctoral Consortium track must be accompanied by a unique author registration (i.e., one registration per paper), completed by the early registration date cut-off. Please note that the authors of the papers accepted to the Doctoral Consortium track are expected to be on-site to give their presentations and interact with the audience, to have the paper included in the proceedings. An online streaming option will be set-up for remote observers. Scholarships are available for researchers who lack funding to present at the conference, see the website for more information.
To apply for a scholarship, visit the main conference page.
Track Chairs
For any further questions, please, contact the DC Chairs:
- Zitao Liu, Jinan University, China (
- Sergey Sosnovsky, Utrecht University, Netherlands (
- Carla Limongelli, Roma Tre University, Italy (