AIED 2025 Interactive Events Track – Call for Contributions
The Interactive Events (IE) Track aims to provide a dynamic platform during the AIED2025 conference for showcasing innovations at the crossroads of education, interactive systems, and AI. It welcomes researchers, practitioners, and industry professionals from the AIED community and beyond to present interactive systems and demos that address diverse educational challenges, fostering collaboration and advancing the field.
Authors with accepted papers or posters to the main conference or other AIED tracks are especially encouraged to contribute, as this track offers an additional platform to showcase their systems (an accepted contribution in the IE Track does not count towards the one-author-registration-per-paper requirement for the main conference). In particular, demo presentations during the IE Track are particularly well-suited for participants with contributions accepted to the Practitioner, Industry, and Policy (PIP) Track of AIED2025, as well as for other industry contributors and practitioners looking to showcase AIED tools they promote or use in their daily practice.
Proposed contributions to the IE Track may include interactive systems operating across various platforms, such as standalone applications, web-based tools, mobile devices, and more. Below is a non-exhaustive list of possible contributions:
- virtual/augmented reality environments for learning
- adaptive educational systems
- serious/educational games
- intelligent tutoring systems
- agent-based learning environments
- data-driven and/or analytic-based systems for education
- LLM-based educational technologies
- authoring tools for AIED systems
- any other interactive tool relevant to the AIED community
A submitted contribution must focus on systems that have already implemented the functional features necessary to demonstrate the primary educational benefits outlined in the submission.
Submissions can be made through this EasyChair link. To submit a contribution to the IE Track, authors must provide a single document that adheres to the following guidelines:
- The document must not exceed 3 pages and use the following Springer LaTeX or Word templates. .
- The document must have the following sections
- Title of the contribution.
- Authors’ list, including affiliation and contact information.
- Abstract (maximum 200 words).
- Keywords (relevant to the submission).
- Demo Link: A link to a repository or an online video-sharing platform (e.g., Vimeo, YouTube) hosting a demo video of the system (see instructions below)
- System Presentation Section: This section should include a technical overview (a description of the system’s key components and functionality) and a discussion of its originality and strengths.
Guidelines for the Demo Video of the System
Objective: The submitted video will be used in the evaluation process by the IE Track committee and co-chairs. The video should clearly present the working system and explain its contribution, focusing on innovation, key functionalities, and educational benefits. Video captures of a PowerPoint presentation are not appropriate.
- Language:
- English only.
- Duration:
- Maximum of 5 minutes.
- The video must be concise and focused on the contribution.
- Video Quality:
- Resolution: Minimum 1920×1080 (Full HD).
- Frame Rate: 30 FPS (recommended).
- Subtitles:
- Subtitles in English are strongly encouraged for accessibility.
- Image and Text Clarity:
- All texts, graphs, and images must be clear and readable.
- Ensure proper contrast and resolution for accurate data recognition.
- Avoid excessive animation or transitions that may obscure content.
- Content Focus:
- Highlight the problem being addressed.
- Demonstrate the solution’s main features and functionalities.
- Present clear evidence of educational benefits (e.g., results, outcomes).
- Use visuals (e.g., screenshots, graphs, or demos) to showcase contributions.
- Audio Quality:
- Ensure clear voice-over or narration with minimal background noise.
- Suggested Technical Format:
- File format: MP4.
- Widescreen aspect ratio 16:9.
Phase | Date |
Submission due | April 21, 2025 |
Notification of acceptance | May 19, 2025 |
Conference | July 22 – 26, 2025 |
Note: the submission deadline is 11:59 pm AoE (Anywhere on Earth) time. Please adhere to these deadlines, as there will be NO extensions to the above dates.
An IE committee will be established to assist the IE co-chairs in evaluating proposals based on the following criteria:
- The quality of the submitted materials, including the description paper and video.
- The originality and innovative nature of the contribution.
- Alignment with the core focus of the community (AI and Education).
- The demonstrated maturity and functionality of the contribution.
- Any logistical considerations related to the contribution.
While commercial products are eligible for submission, proposals focusing on sales or marketing activities are not appropriate. Additionally, the IE Track welcomes demonstrations of systems previously presented or published, provided the submitted demonstrations showcase a new perspective or angle relevant to AIED.
Accepted contributions to the IE Track:
- Will not be included in the conference proceedings.
- Will have the opportunity to be featured in the IAIED Website Showcase. Additional information will be provided to authors of accepted contributions.
IE Track contributions are separate from the main track of AIED 2025. As a result, an accepted contribution in the IE Track does not count towards the one-author-registration-per-paper requirement for the main conference. However, each IE Track accepted contribution must have at least one registered author by the early registration deadline. Additionally, a maximum of two demos per registered author is allowed to prevent unattended booths during the event. Finally, authors are expected to be present on-site to interact with the audience during the IE Track sessions.
If you have any further questions, please contact the IE Track co-Chairs:
- Emmanuel G. Blanchard, Le Mans University, France (
- Leonardo B. Marques, Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil (