Practitioners, Industry and Policy (PIP) track


This Call is not asking for scientific papers, but contributions on the role of AI in industry and society, in relation to educational challenges and opportunities. Therefore, we are inviting practitioners, including teachers, educators, learners, education technology companies, product designers, and policy makers, to share AI in Education (AIED) examples and initiatives from industry, schools, higher education, workplaces, and society at-large. We expect this track to be a low barrier of entry allowing researchers to learn from practitioners and policy makers, and allowing practice and policy to be enriched, in turn, by rigorous evidence-based research.

The AIED 2025 Practitioners, Industry and Policy (PIP) Track, consequently, seeks to…

●     stimulate the involvement of teachers, educators as well as industry professionals and product developers,

●     encourage the participation of policy makers,

●     promote cooperation and learning between these participants,

●     focus on creative ideas and innovative practices in AIED,

●     propagate descriptions and reflections of practical implementations in AIED,

●     disseminate evidence to facilitate effective practice,

●     contribute to the discussion and common understanding of AIED in practice,

●     and, in particular, welcome submissions related to the AIED2025 theme “AI in Education for a World in Transition”

Target Groups and Expected Content

Target Participants

The call is open for contributions from a range of different educational contexts and professions to reflect the manifold implementations and perspectives in AIED.

We especially invite AIED-related contributions from:

●     Teachers, educators, and learners from all educational levels and contexts (e.g. elementary school, high school, higher education, vocational training, workplace learning, and lifelong learning)

●     Researchers, instructional technologists, analysts, learning designers, and other staff from educational institutions

●     Industry and enterprise representatives such as developers, designers, and analysts

●     Policy makers and department leads from non-profit organizations and government bodies.

Content and Technologies

To meet the call’s goals, we seek submissions that present implementations as well as strategies and policies on AIED. Proposed contributions should reflect on practical experiences with AI-supported education or bring together different stakeholders in this field.

We explicitly welcome descriptions and reflections of practical implementations, strategies, and policies, and descriptions of personal experiences using AI in the educational domain from a practicing perspective. 

Submission Formats

For the Practitioners, Industry and Policy (PIP) track, we accept contributions of max 8 pages (excluding references). Papers need to be written in English and include the following details. (Please use the main headings 1-3 as a structure for your paper and use sub-headings of your own choice, if necessary.)

  1. Description of the AIED implementation, practice or policy (or its intended use)
    • please specify the tool or technology,
    • the educational goal that was addressed (e.g. inclusive learning, individualisation of learning…),
    • and the educational level (e.g. secondary school).
    • Provide a short description of the participating learners or educational institutions,
    • and the course, programme or other context of the implementation that is necessary to understand your project.
  2. Reflection of the challenges and opportunities associated with the implementation
    • Describe the process of the implementation and how you evaluate the implementation
    • Name and reflect on opportunities or possible benefits
    • Name and reflect on challenges or things you would like to improve
  3. Description of future steps
    • describe the next steps you are planning or that are necessary to gain further insight
    • describe what you would need to improve your implementation (e.g. a business partner, more participants, or experiments to validate your claims)

Formatting Guidelines

Selected and accepted contributions will be published by Springer’s serie Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS). Submissions must be in Springer format and can count max. 8 pages (excluding references). Papers that do not use the required format may be rejected without review. Authors should consult Springer’s authors’ guidelines and use their proceedings templates, either for LaTeX or for Word, for the preparation of their papers. Springer encourages authors to include their ORCIDs in their papers. In addition, the corresponding author of each paper, acting on behalf of all of the authors of that paper, must complete and sign a Consent-to-Publish form. The corresponding author signing the copyright form should match the corresponding author marked on the paper. Once the files have been sent to Springer, changes relating to the authorship of the papers cannot be made. For further details about the format, please see:

Information for Authors of Springer Computer Science Proceedingss »

Please submit your paper using EasyChair:

EasyChair – AIED 2025 (26th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education) »

Types of Presentations and Review

To provide enough room and opportunities to collaboratively reflect upon practical experiences and ideas with AIED, we offer the following type of presentation during the conference:

●     Discussion session spaces: in thematic sessions, contributions based on similar tools, scenarios or educational goals are presented together.

Review Process

All papers submitted to the practitioner track will be double-blind peer-reviewed according to a set of criteria that focus on practice in teaching and learning with AI. Possible criteria to evaluate the papers are “practical relevance”, “clarity of presentation”, “reflection of the implementation from a practical perspective” and “creativity and innovation”.

A special aim of the practitioner track is the open-minded discussion with a practical perspective and constructive interaction among the participants – researchers, teachers, developers and policy makers – to learn from the session and each other to find more practical use of AI in the different fields of education.

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